Umoja Estate party girls and dancers charge as low as 20bob for dance

Umoja estate is soon spreading its illicit night life to as far as Dohny estate.Meet the nighty corners of this East-lands estate where a night life wouldn't cost you as much as it would in Westy.In Umoja girls sells like street side mahindi choma or as popcorn at iMax.
At Egesa a rather widely known hall packs its corners with cheap and dirty prostitutes ready to blow away your ego after an Emma Jalamo's 'thum dhi uriri' dance step.At the junction of the Egesa perimeters stands a Clinic Hospital which houses a theater bed for the eager merry lookers.One theater bed costs 5obob per shot.
Often you are greeted by a line of users like Kenyans queuing to board a mat at KenCom or Kenya Bus station
 These dirty Umoja gals who come from as near as Kayole and Masimba and as far as there cousins from Kibera,will grab your hand and beckon at the onlookers inviting you for a treat in there theaters at a cost off 20bob that wont last you 3minutes regardless of whether you have vomited the seed or not.
The girls have mastered the art of corning young boys who often don't know how  long one game  shot should take. Even before  the boy hits the climax marks you are often pushed off from your  position () and asked to quit your mission or else you are overcharged a triple amount of 150shillings.
Onyango is frequent visitor at this favorite theater lodge and has instantly complained about these girls corny behaviors. Often the contract between the two parties isn't allowed to reach maturation. TRhe gusto with which one is thrown of just as the penis head slides in its dish is worrying and for a man on Viagra this can be the joke o a night.
For Kariuki who has mastered the art of two strong strokes of pumps  says there is no such a better quickie in town than the one Umoja offers.If you think Sabina Joy was doing better than this then Umoja will be in to surprise many.
aerial shot Umoja
Plan B has a better host rather these women are more expensive than the ones found in Umoja 2 Egesa estate and at HornBilland Peacok you will get a rather a scary deal that comes wrapped in all packages.
For few who live in little Umoja City they have  a fairy tale for the night