Fidel was a great politician in making…his name would pop up
on blogs even here in my own blog. Something many of us never noticed was his
career in the making as
politician. A closer look into how crossed the
LuoKikuyu rivalry boarder would tell you the canning character he was, Accepted
tongue and charming look he wore on his face was something even death would not
deny him
In life these are what Fidel death reminds me.
Kenyans will continue to fight for there tribal cocoons
while the top leaders you fight for and abuse each other on social media pull
together in hard times and console with each other. Look at how many AIRFORCE
jets baba Ngina gave to Raila to fly his
son body to Kisumu. As Kenyans its time we dropped our political wings and pull together politician are like referee in bull fight arena…they never taste the
wrath of the bull horn.
Random people want to impose their mourning styles on the
Luo? We make noise, dance, eat and politic when we mourn!! That is us. We have
not asked for permission or approval from you!! We do it our way! This
alternative formula you want us to follow ni ya akina nani?this is the disease that eats my people away we believe that what is best for us must be done our way...we are tribal and do not accept others means of even life lets be tolerant and accept each other as it was in the beginning
fidel heroic send off was one that we will never see in this country for a long time