How JACOB JUMA was assassinated. New EVIDENCE

We will be publishing new evidence that the government hit squad failed to tamper with at the crime scene. A new video blog has emerged of the late Juma being followed by gunmen from his night club at Westy.
Another Video recorded by eye witness from an impossible angle reveals the faces of the Jacob's killers and we are set to meet with our sources to reveal. We have also followed trails of cash...wired money transfers,names of highly classified government officials,black cops operations in Nairobi. We have gathered enough evidence to  put to the public on the ongoing investigation that kenyan government will not even conduct.
People have anonymously mailed as why we don't trust court to do its work. But hey guys who would trust a bunch of fools vetted by the same government that kills its domestic billionaires. 
Join us this monday 2100hrs  for the juicy info.